Screen issues after screen replacement...

Screen issues after screen replacement...


New Member
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Aug 21, 2014
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Hey all, I shattered the screen on my 5C about 3 months back. I rocked it like that for a while waiting on a replacement screen. Finally it came in yesterday and I decided to tackle the install. It all went smoothly and at first, it worked great. First problem came after a long phone call, the phone went nuts for a bit, pressing things itself and scrolling about...but then it settled down. Today, while at work (I'm a mechanic), it's going stupid. Scrolling by itself, letters not working until the 3rd or 4th try, all kinds of crap. I've tried hard resets, nothing seems to work. Any ideas or did I get a defective screen/digitizer? Heat obviously makes it worse but geez, if it can't handle a little heat I'm gonna have to find a different phone...I'm outside in South Alabama all the time. And no, the screen wasn't OEM. Won't make that mistake again! Thanks in advance!
Well, since no one replied, I'll update this for anyone who searches. I decided to do "exploratory surgery" and carefully disassembled the phone again. I cleaned every contact point using a q-tip and alcohol and carefully put it back together. For now, it appears to be completely fixed, but time will tell.