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Save 5.1.1 blobs?


New Member
Apr 15, 2012
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HI I have a iPhone 4 witch i got yesterday refurb from apple and it came with ios 5.1.1 stock firmware. Now my question is can I save my iOS 5.1.1 blobs if I jailbreak and use cydia to get them even if iOS 6 is out. If you don't get what I said i mean can I save my 5.1.1 blobs even if a new firmware is out using cydia?
The iOS 5.1.1 signing window is closed. You cannot retrieve those blobs anymore
The only time that Cydia can retrieve your blobs is if you jailbroke it during the window where Apple is signing it. Since it came refurbished with a stock iOS 5.1.1 installed, unless the previous owner jailbroke the device during the time period that 5.1.1 was being signed, then sold it back out to Apple or a distributor/recipient, THEN it got wiped as a new iPhone, then you might be able to get your blobs since it's linked to your phone's ECID.
Ok so I have to jailbreak to tell if the prev owner jail broke it before
You can also use TinyUmbrella to see. Run TinyUmbrella as administrator, plug in your iPhone, then click on the "Save All SHSH" button. Then in the middle of the window, you should see a white box with 3 tabs, General, Logs and Advanced. IF they are on Cydia, the blobs will be listed under the General tab.