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Safari cannot open the page because it is not connected to the Internet


New Member
Aug 16, 2012
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I recently bought iPhone 4 which is still "Locked" for cellular carriers in my country.It's a jailbroken phone.Therefor I connected to internet using a hotspot in my laptop via wi-fi.I'm using windows 7 in my laptop.I was able to connect to the internet without any problem till yesterday,but now I'm getting this error message "Safari cannot open the page because it is not connected to the Internet".I reset my network data and reboot my phone and router several times but still having same problem.I can see the wi-fi icon in my phone with full signal strength.Probably I got this problem after downloading the crack app called "iThemes",but I'm not 100% sure about this.

How can I fix this problem.

Thank you.