[Review] SlickWraps Premium Screen Protectors w/Stylish Front Wrap

[Review] SlickWraps Premium Screen Protectors w/Stylish Front Wrap


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Jan 17, 2011
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Hickory, NC
Here we go :photos:

1st I would like to thank SlickWraps.com for the support to our forum as well as giving some of us the opportunity to evaluation this products. I'm honestly not the best writer but I will do my best on telling you guys my experience with SlickWraps Premium Screen Protectors and the Stylish Front Wrap.

1. Product arrive to my house with in 2 business day in a nice hard envelope with the following stuff inside.


2. It was time to see what I got... it was like Christmas!!!


Watch the SlickWrap instruction videos first!!!!!

3. It was time to put my Stylish Front Wrap and I started cleaning the nice looking white iPhone 4
with the supplied white SlickWrap cloth and I used compressed air as well.



4. Wooohooo time to put those goodies on! The SlickWrap material is SUPER and it will add a
great protection to the phone.


5. Now it was time for the SlickWraps Premium Screen Protector with another sample of a great
material is the PERFECT combination for a full protection to the from of your device.

(After installation of my kit, I will suggest to install the screen protector first and then the
Stylish front wrap)



Outstanding material, easy to install or re-install (product can be removed during installation if you need it to relocate) and guarantee that if you use the two products together with a cover on your iPhone you will have the best protection ever!


You can see every little fingerprint on the protector, maybe SlickWrap next step will be a Anti-Fingerprint. However the protection that the protector offer is more value to me than a few little fingerprints.

At the end you finish with a nice combination!

SlickWraps Premium Screen Protector w/Stylish Front Wrap on iPhoneForums.net

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Thanks iCrank.. this is the first time I do something like that... lol