Yes, you can watch your downloaded movie offline. You have 30 days to start watching the movie and 24 hours to finish it once you hit play. You can watch it as many times as you want during the 24 hours. After 24 hours the movie will be automatically deleted from your device.Just verifying, can I download a rented movie from iTunes and watch it offline (on an aircraft)?
I know there is a 24 hour window to watch movie once started, but what about offline viewing?
I'm glad you had no problems with your movie rental. Thanks for letting us know.Thanks guys. Rented a few movies and had no problems in flight. Had a few people ask me how I was watching a movie without wifi on the plane.
That is piracy and theft. This forum in no way supports any discussion of the means to overcome the terms and conditions of the iTunes movie rental agreement.As for me, I like to convert iTunes purchased/rental movies to common format, then I can play it on any devices without limitation. Since I have purchased many movies on iTunes, now I prefer to enjoy it on Android tablet. We know it is not so easy with DRM protected all iTunes videos. Searching on the Internet, I got one DRM media converter software to help me get rip of encrypted DRM protection. Now I can enjoy all these videos freely.