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Premium Voice Notifications With 'Aloud' CYDIA TWEAK


iPhoneForums.net News Team
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA

Aloud is a Cydia Tweak which will speak your notifications to you. It can help you when you have your headphones on and even in many other cases. You can set a whole bunch of different rules so you only get audio notifications when you want them. You shouldn't have a problem setting the Tweak up to your liking. One of the cool things about this is you have MusicBanners installed, every time your song changes it will speak the next song title and artist. Aloud can be found in the Cydia Store under the ModMyi repo for $.99.
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I installed this app yesterday and it's not reading my caller's - I've got it all set up right, don't see anything amiss. Any ideas? I can get it to do all other functions.