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Photo delete

How do I delete pictures in something called Photo Stream on my IPhone 4s?

You can't. It a backup system with iCloud. I've turned mine off so I can delete photos I don't want. To do this is general, photos, photo stream turn off. Now in your photos you'll only have camera roll and you'll be able to delete.

As iHolophyte stated above the Photo Stream is the photo backup portion of iCloud. You can, however, log into your iCloud control panel via your PC or Mac and reset your Photo Stream, then go to your device, turn off Photo Stream then turn it back on. It will clear all the pics out. Apple is supposedly adding the ability to delete individual photos from Photo Stream w/ the next big update. I keep my Photo Stream turned off.
As iHolophyte stated above the Photo Stream is the photo backup portion of iCloud. You can, however, log into your iCloud control panel via your PC or Mac and reset your Photo Stream, then go to your device, turn off Photo Stream then turn it back on. It will clear all the pics out. Apple is supposedly adding the ability to delete individual photos from Photo Stream w/ the next big update. I keep my Photo Stream turned off.

I can't wait until apple add this to the next update 😄

I can't wait until apple add this to the next update
I know you aren't part of the Jailbreak crowd, but for those of us who are... we won't be able to take advantage of the next big update. Hopefully the Devs will come up w/ a tweak that will allow us to delete individual Photo Stream pics from our JB iDevices!!
I know you aren't part of the Jailbreak crowd, but for those of us who are... we won't be able to take advantage of the next big update. Hopefully the Devs will come up w/ a tweak that will allow us to delete individual Photo Stream pics from our JB iDevices!!

If I knew how to JB I would be part of the crowd (laughs out loud) and I know there are lots and lots of instructions throughout this forum for doing the JB but I'm still not confident. So one will stay as an outcast 😝
