New Local and Passport ESPN Apps Arrive for Sports Fans

New Local and Passport ESPN Apps Arrive for Sports Fans


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Jun 18, 2010
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Broadcasting & Cable reports today that ESPN has just launched iPhone/iPod touch apps for its five local sports web services, as well as its Passport app, which enables fans to upload photos and information during a live match. The free local apps give fans in Dallas, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles and New York the chance to find out all the latest news, scores and information about their local teams, as well as featuring a number of extras, including GPS-activated local weather, stadium guides for all local professional teams, an interactive scoreboard, blog posts and tweets from local sports experts, live digital audio from ESPN radio, and access to local SportsCenter videos.

The ESPN Passport app, which is also free, encourages fans to interact with their fellow fans by uploading and sharing fan photos and posting and reading comments about the matches. There’s even a Leaderboard and ranking system so that you can compare how often you go to matches compared to other fans.

Source: Broadcasting & Cable, iTunes App Store
Interesting discussion ESPN Passport app .I think ESPN Passport app is so helpful and usable for every one not only spots.

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