New jailbreak tweak Ostium provides cool animation for the Notification Center

New jailbreak tweak Ostium provides cool animation for the Notification Center


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Jul 27, 2011
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Since iOS 5, the Notification Center has been an area attracting a lot of Cydia developers. A quick search around the store will give you a number of Notification Center widgets that feature design changes in the grey notification area. For example one of them will let users change the whole NC background. However a new NC tweak has just hit the Cydia store and presents some really interesting options. Meet “Ostium” – a software that once installed will allow users to access their newest notifications with a simple two-finger split gesture. Another visible change for users adopting this tweak will be the vertical splitting of the screen that will reveal the Notification Center.

The tweak is available at the jailbreak Mecca for only $0.99 and we’re confident that animation lovers will be very excited about using it. Ostium adds new features to your iPhone but doesn’t take away the old ones. Yes you can use the split gesture to view the Notification Center but you can opt to use the classic downwards swipe of the status bar as well. Using the standard approach will make the NC drop from above and the screen will split in two to make room for it.

Users of Ostium can configure everything in the menu, as it installs in the stock Setting app. It is made up for four toggles. Two cover controlling and turning the animation on and off, and the remaining two are for you to decide which split gesture you see on SpringBoard. The tweak is available for the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

By Radu

Source - Apple, iPhone and iPad News | ModMyi - 'Ostium' Provides A Cool New Notification Center Animation

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