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New App for iPhone Arbitragers in Hong Kong

Play More Limited

New Member
Jan 2, 2011
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Hong Kong
As iPhone arbitrage is very popular in Hong Kong, Play More Limited launched a new iPhone app on the 2nd of February 2011, called Available Again! (original Chinese Name: 又有得賣喇!), which notifies the arbitragers about the official online sales availability of iPhone in real-time, thereby facilitating their purchases.

iPhone is such a dream technology product demanded by many people both in Hong Kong and China, so continuous shortage always leads to arbitrage. A 16GB iPhone is sold in online Apple Store at HK$ 4,988 (~USD639), but it can be resold at around six thousands dollars (~USD769) to downtown retailers. That’s why many Hong Kong people become arbitragers of iPhone.

However, again, due to limited stock, all iPhones are sold out within one hour after they are labeled available in Apple Store. Therefore, the only way to gain profit is to purchase the stock as early as possible. While sitting long time in front of the computer and waiting for the official sales notification seems non-sense, Available Again! could be a solution.

Since February 2, arbitragers can download the free version of this program, by which they can be notified in 30 minutes after the stock available announcement in Hong Kong Apple Store. They are also able to upgrade to 15-minutes Delay Version or even Real-time Version by paying only US$4.99 (~HK$38) or US$19.99 (~HK$156) respectively. Arbitragers, who use this iPhone app, can then enjoy absolute time advantage and gain maximum profit.