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New Member
Jan 26, 2011
Reaction score
Indianapolis, Indiana
Thanks to the administrator for the warm welcome. I have owned an iPhone for the last 2 years and am considering the purchase of a new "4" tomorrow. I'm trying to weigh the decision against waiting for the arrival of the "5" this summer. I don't Facebook, nor Twitter, but my iPhone is definitely one of the coolist gadgets I've ever owned. I'm hooked. Growing up in the sixties I yearned to have Mr. Spocks Tricorder, now I have it and the ability to change it's functions and appearnce at a whim. It doesn't get much better then that. Looking forward to learning something new and my thanks to those who will assist me.

If your like me and want to have the latest and greatest I would hold off for the 5 in your position, but that's easier said than done. I got my 4G not long after it came out last year so have to wait untill 2012 before upgrading unless I pay big bucks to upgrade early. Descisions...
First off welcome to the forums.

Since you're an Iphone user you definitely should upgrade. To which though? That depends. Waiting until June to see what the Iphone 5 will offer is a few months off and might be worth the wait. Waiting for this device depends on which Iphone you own. If you have the Iphone 3g or even Iphone 2 then the Iphone 4 is going to be a solid upgrade. If however, you have a Iphone 3gs then I'd vote wait.