@Music is Instagram's New (and First) Official Community

@Music is Instagram's New (and First) Official Community


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Aug 26, 2014
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[Editor's Note: Here's another great post from @DrumsOfGrohl that we decided to promote to the front page! Thanks for the great post.]

Instagram has just capitalized on its popularity within the music community. The handle @Music will now be a huge resource for music (obviously) and musicians from around the globe. This is the Facebook-owned company's first official dedicated account.

Of the most popular accounts on Instagram, one quarter of them belong to musicians, including Taylor Swift, Rihanna, Beyonce, Katy Perry and more. In addition to these global stars, Instagram has also been a platform for emerging artists to grow their fanbase. It is no surprise, then, that the company has decided to enhance the experience of this unique group of "Instagrammers."

On a post on their official blog, Instagram had this to say:
The music community is –– and always has been –– an important part of Instagram. For the past four years, we have become the home for artists big and small –– a place where people across the musical spectrum come to share stories, reveal their creativity and connect directly with fans.

Topics that the @Music handle will address include artists, instruments, lyrics, studio sessions, concerts, album illustrations, music fans, and more. The number of posts per week will not exceed six, and unique hashtags will be used to differentiate the topics: #LocallySourced is for unsigned artists, #DoubleTrack is for artists' interests unrelated to music, and #15SecondLessons is just what is sounds like, video lessons in 15 seconds. Every month, the company will feature a different hashtag project.


The launch of @Music is launching with a full feature on Questlove (@questlove), most known for playing in Jimmy Fallon's backing band, The Roots. As in the case of the Questlove piece, the posts will be quite lengthy; the general format of Instagram posts tend to be no more than a sentence or two.

This is a bold move for the social media giant, and could pave the way for other focused handles, maybe art or fashion.

Sources: Introducing music on Instagram - Instagram Blog
Instagram Launches Music Its First Official Community TechCrunch
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