Multifl0w How Multitasking Should Have Been

Multifl0w How Multitasking Should Have Been

PhilSynowiec News Team
Thread Starter
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA

Multifl0w has been a tweak on Cydia and with the Jailbreaking community for a bit now. It recently got an update and looks great. You have a ton of customization that allows you to choose how you want Multifl0w to pop up. Whether its swiping the status bar down or any other of the numerous features it offer, Multifl0w should have you set up perfectly. The UI in Multifl0w will twerl your open apps onto the screen with a screenshot of where you last left it. This is how Apple should implement multitasking, but I can't complain with their method now.
Hi Phil,

I have already upgraded to the latest version of the I OS, 4.0.2. Can I still JB my iPhone 4 device and, if so, how can I roll back the OS?

Again, thank you for ALL your videos and advice. It is very much appreciated and looked forward to.

Best regards,
that is good. jailbreaking is always one step ahead of apple and apple gets their ideas from jailbreakers and devs