Leaked Tim Cook Email Addresses Scott Forstall’s Departure

Leaked Tim Cook Email Addresses Scott Forstall’s Departure


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Jun 18, 2010
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Some big news from Apple today, which results in part from the whole Maps furore, and which could end up having quite an effect on Apple’s future. The main news is that iOS Senior Vice President Scott Forstall is to leave Apple, and it was broken in a press release from Apple. After that, rumours and stories about the reasons for his departure started to surface, with BGR reporting that one of the reasons why Forstall was leaving was because he was being forced out after refusing to sign the letter that was published recently that apologised for the poor performance of the new Maps app. BGR says that GigaOm heard from a source that this move has been a long time coming, as Forstall “butted heads” with others at Apple, including Jony Ive and Eddie Cue. It even said that news of Forstall’s departure was met with “a sense of quiet jubilation.” Also reporting on the story, 9to5 Mac has obtained the text of an email that Apple CEO Tim Cook sent to Apple employees on Monday, in which he made a point of thanking Scott Forstall “for all of his many contributions to Apple over his career.” Cook also writes about Forstall’s replacement, Craig Federighi, in the letter, who he says will lead both iOS and OS X. He also says that Eddy Cue will take on the extra responsibility of Siri and Maps. Jony Ive’s roll will also increase.

Source: Tim Cook emails employees; thanks Scott Forstall, says Bob Mansfield to stay on for two years | 9to5Mac
Apple executive shakeup: Forstall forced out after Maps fap | BGR

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