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JB for 4.2.8


New Member
Apr 2, 2011
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Hmmmmm I keep getting error 1013 and 21 while trying 2 jb after using snowbreeze! I already created a custom ipsw. Wonder whats wrong...
I don't think that the sn0wbreeze jb. Will work on 4.2.8. If it does work let me know how you did it.
i have tried this moethod. I DLed everything required and followed a guide. but i get and error 1601. I did the custom ispw. i googled the error and it said to remove all itunes components and did so. Reinstalled. didnt work. still getting the error. what to do what to do?
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I just successfully jailbroke this version using redsn0w rc15 and the 4.2.6 ipsw file just like my 4.2.7 jailbreak. Follow the instructions from the other post as you may have to "boot tether" after the initial install...

Boy, I don't visit this site for 5 days and i miss a bunch of things!!!! Theres a jb for 4.2.7 already??? I'm assuming vz right? Greenpoison? Smh... That's what i get for taking a few days off huh? Haha.
For Snowbreeze, don't forget to use iREB to throw the phone into "pwned DFU mode" before trying to restore the custom ipsw. What this does is uploads an exploit that allows the non-official ipsw to be flashed.

I had the same issue trying to jailbreak 4.2.7 and spent a couple of hours figuring it out.

appdaddy, there has been a 4.2.7 jailbreak for about a week now. It uses the latest version of Snowbreeze, so see my above about iREB.
For Snowbreeze, don't forget to use iREB to throw the phone into "pwned DFU mode" before trying to restore the custom ipsw. What this does is uploads an exploit that allows the non-official ipsw to be flashed.

I had the same issue trying to jailbreak 4.2.7 and spent a couple of hours figuring it out.

appdaddy, there has been a 4.2.7 jailbreak for about a week now. It uses the latest version of Snowbreeze, so see my above about iREB.

Thanks for adding that in there Dave! I guess I should have also mentioned that I'm using a Mac.
error 21 is caused by your phone not being in DFU MODE. it was probably on 'recovery mode', googled 'irep' download it and use that to put your phone into dfu mode.

error 1013 is the same as im gettin. apparently u have to go to (windows) c/windows/system32/drivers/etc and open 'host' with wordpad or notepad, and delete the last 2 lines that says gm.apple.com or whatever, and save. unfortunately, i did that, and im still stuck.. someone said use a diff comp so im gonna do that tonight
Will I lose everything on my phone jailbreaking this new version? I lost everything on previous jailbreak
And is there a way to prevent loosing everything when JB?
if you mean your JBed apps and stuff yes unless you save your ssh. If you mean your phone numbers,music, or stuff that you have that you didnt get from JBing, no as long as you back up your phone to itunes you will not. Just restore then it will ask if you want to restore it back to "your names" iphone.
Hmmmmm I keep getting error 1013 and 21 while trying 2 jb after using snowbreeze! I already created a custom ipsw. Wonder whats wrong...

I was able to jailbreak successfully after several failed attempts. I kept on receiving error codes 3194 and 1013.

1) Get the latest version of snowbreeze, 2.7.1.
2) Download the 2.3.8 update file within iTunes and use this for your file in snowbreeze. The file will be saved in "C:\Users\XXXXXX\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates". XXXX is your profile on the computer.
3) I used tinyumbrella to save my SSHs and there is a reported issues involving tinyumbrella and jailbreaking 4.2.7 and 4.2.8. I had to go into advanced tab and unselect the box which says "Set hosts to Cydia on exit". Restart pc afterwards.

Step 3 may have been the reason why I couldn't jailbreak. After doing steps 1 -3, was able to jailbreak with no error messages.
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if we arent already JBed do we need to do step 3?

Not sure. I googled some of the error codes I received and found several posts about the host file and cydia. It could have been any of the 3 steps which gave me a successful jailbreak.