Japan Display Looking to Supply Apple With Panels for 2018 LCD iPhone

Japan Display Looking to Supply Apple With Panels for 2018 LCD iPhone


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Jun 18, 2010
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Japan Display looking to supply Apple with LCD panels for 2018 iPhone.webp

MacRumors writes that according to a new report from Nikkei, Japan Display is looking to raise $517 million via third-party share allocations and asset sales in order to fund production of displays for the new LCD iPhone that Apple is set to launch later this year.

After losing out last year when Apple moved to OLED displays for its flagship iPhone X, Japan Display was looking to start forming new partnerships in order to be able to supply Apple with OLED displays, but now that Apple is expected to still release at least one LCD iPhone model this year, Japan Display is looking to raise enough capital to start once again supplying Apple with LCD displays.

Other previous reports have said that Apple favours Japan Display’s Full Active LCDs for the new iPhone, which are thought to be equal to, and possibly even better than, OLED displays, while being cheaper at the same time. Another advantage of Full Active panels is that they have a smaller bezel when compared with the type of LCD panels that Apple usually uses for its iPhones, and are also flexible enough that the displays can be curved or angled.

Image: Japan Display

Source: Japan Display to Raise $517 Million to Supply Apple With LCDs for 2018 Low-Cost iPhone

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