iTunes movie purchase

iTunes movie purchase


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Jan 18, 2020
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How do I buy movie on my iPhone 6s Plus without downloading it? Every time I try to purchase ,it says not enough memory to download. I don't want to download, I just want to purchase and watch later on movies anywhere etc.
Not sure about that, yert66. Everything I have purchased (read apps) had to be downloaded. If you do not need to download it right now, why not wait to purchase it?

If you use iPhone, Mac, and tablets, etc., they all sink with one another. I do not see how you could buy it without downloading it. That would be similar to paying for a ticket at the theatre but not going inside to screen the film, yes? I think you can now buy tickets in advance, but I do not think it is possible to buy a ticket for "anytime" you feel like seeing a particular film at the theatre. Why would you not want to download it now if you want to purchase it now??
Not sure about that, yert66. Everything I have purchased (read apps) had to be downloaded. If you do not need to download it right now, why not wait to purchase it?

If you use iPhone, Mac, and tablets, etc., they all sink with one another. I do not see how you could buy it without downloading it. That would be similar to paying for a ticket at the theatre but not going inside to screen the film, yes? I think you can now buy tickets in advance, but I do not think it is possible to buy a ticket for "anytime" you feel like seeing a particular film at the theatre. Why would you not want to download it now if you want to purchase it now??
Don’t have enough space to download. I use movies anywhere and vudu to watch and none of my movies are downloaded.
I see, well here is a suggestion that may help if you are willing to do it. You can get a stand alone hard drive and save stuff to the hard drive. Most people do this for back up purposes, but I never have done. I believe you can purchase the hard drives in very large capacities. You can use one just to store you movies. Then, as you purchase and download new ones, you can save them to the hard drive and delete them from your mobile and your laptop. I believe once purchased, you can always download again as they have been paid for and belong to you. I know this is true of apps. What do you think about that idea?
You should get this screen after purchasing a movie:
What I’ve done is to transfer my iTunes library to an external hard drive. My music, movies, and TV shows can be played on my laptop just as if they were on the internal drive. My library is currently 2.5TB in size so you can see the need for the external drive. This way even if the item is removed from your purchase history I still have a copy on my hard drive. In regards to apps, I have several that are no longer in my purchase history and cannot be downloaded.
Several years ago Apple released a special version of iTunes which still contained the App Store. It has been updated to iTunes and will sync with devices on iOS 13. You’ll have to check on the Apple site to see if it can still be downloaded. My app library is almost 50GB in size and contains many apps that can no longer be downloaded from the App Store.
This is news to me, J.A. Thanks!

scifan57, yes that is what I was trying to tell the OP, i.e. an external hard drive with a lot of memory. I cannot imagine anyone would need TBs, but I guess like you they must do since manufacturers make them. Another alternative (I think) is the cloud storage. I only know a very little about these types of storage, but there are some free ones like DropBox (a friend sent me some stuff on DropBox but I will be darned if I can figure out how to use it and make it practical for me) and Google Cloud (again, I think). Then there are sites like Shutterfly for photos. They store your photos for free and never delete them. I uploaded some of my precious photos to Shutterfly, the ones I hope I will never lose for any reason.

As for deleting the purchase apps, I had absolutely no idea about that!! :eek: I do not recall Apple sending out any announcement about it. I thought the buyer would always have access to their apps via the app store. Can you save apps to the clouds? I have relatively few apps, but I would not want to lose the ones I have now.
Unfortunately with the latest versions if iTunes there is no way of installing a previously purchased app that is no longer in the App Store. When I upgraded to my iPhone XS from my 6 Plus there were about 6 apps that couldn’t be downloaded. They will work in iOS 13 but they can’t be re-installed on the current version of iTunes.
Gee, that is too bad. Sometimes trying to keep up with all of the changes exhausts me to the point where I just have to walk away. What you think you "know," you may not know at all.

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