It's Going to Be An Angry Birds Christmas!

It's Going to Be An Angry Birds Christmas!


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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Pocket Gamer reports that the worst kept secret in green-pig destroying circles has finally been confirmed by a Finnish TV station on its website – Angry Birds Christmas edition is on its way this December. There’s even a screenshot to prove it. Ah, someone has given the little pigs Christmas presents, how sweet! Now go ahead and destroy them, bird soldier!

The Angry Birds Halloween special edition for iPhone and iPad has been a huge success, with a million downloads in its first week of release, so it’s really no surprise at all that a Christmas version is in the works. Angry Birds Halloween was also the first Angry Birds game to be self-published by developers Rovio rather than previous publishers Chillingo, so it's more than likely that Rovio will also be self-publishing the Christmas edition.

“We’re delighted too see such fantastic reception for Angry Birds Halloween,” said Mikael Hed, CEO of Rovio. “We intend to continue creating more and more quality products and updates, and keep exceeding the expectations of our fans worldwide.”

Source: Confirmed: Angry Birds Christmas for iPhone out in December | Angry Birds Christmas news | Pocket Gamer