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iPhone 4S – top activated smartphone in Q1 of 2012


Editor in Chief
Jul 27, 2011
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Apple has had a terrific year so far, and recent evidence seems to imply that the Cupertino team is no way near reaching its full potential. Mobile enterprise solutions firm Good Technology just posted some results online. These results indicate the iPhone 4S grabbed 37% of total enterprise activations in the Q1 of 2012. Following close behind, comes the iPad with 17.7%. Enterprise customers are represented by financial and health organizations and important companies from different industries.

This is a good indication that enterprises are still interested in exploring the benefits offered by the iPhone 4S.

According Good Technology, the new iPad was recently released in March, and it managed to climb up in fourth place, going to 4.3% for the Q1. It did snatch 12.1% for the month in which it was released.

Good Technologies vice-president and corporate general manager, Jim Watson commented upon the findings and stated that although Apple is sitting high right now, the release of the much hyped and innovative Windows 8 will finally bring in some competition in the not so populated tablet market.

In the Android camp, the Motorola Droid came on top as number one with 1.6% of all activations, thus becoming the seventh most popular enterprise device in the Q1 of 2012. Android smartphones represent 26.1% of all activations, while Android tablets managed to snatch a meager 2.7%.

All in all Apple’s iPhones and iPads remain the leading choice for enterprise users, whether we are taking into account BYOD or large companies.

By Radu

Source: iPhone 4S takes top spot for activations in Q1: Good Technology - Apple, byod, galaxy s II, Good Technology, Google Nexus, iPad 2, iPhone 4S, mobility, Motorola Droid, New iPad, samsung, smartphone, Sprint EVO 4G, Tablet - ARN