iPad 2 Rumors And Speculation

iPad 2 Rumors And Speculation


iPhoneForums.net News Team
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Jun 15, 2010
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Bay Area, CA

Its no big news knowing that Apple will be releasing the iPad 2(or whatever it's called) early next year. Apple seems to have a time of the year for each one of the iDevices as you may know. Starting with iPads in the spring, iPhones in the summer, and iPods in the winter, Apple has kept this up for the past few years and we have yet to see a break in the chain.

The iPad 2 might come out at the beginning of the year, but it will also be the last iOS Device to be updated in that generation wave. Right after the new iPad comes out, the new iPhone comes out with, most likely, better hardware, etc. At least we know that once we see the iPad 2, we will get a better hint of what the 5th Generation iPhone has in store for us.
ihander sounds wrong ;p ofc they will make a second one but maybe on the same release cycle as the first one? and i still wont buy one unless they put osx on there

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