iOS 11 Code Shows Possibility to Disable 3D Facial Recognition on iPhone 8

iOS 11 Code Shows Possibility to Disable 3D Facial Recognition on iPhone 8


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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iOS 11 code shows possible way to disable 3D Facial Recognition.webp

The anticipation for Apple’s new iPhone 8 is extremely high, especially with its 3D facial recognition system that will be used to unlock the phone. However, not everyone likes change, and not everyone is happy with the idea of unlocking their phone or using Apple Pay by the facial recognition method. Thankfully, as iDB reports, it looks like Apple is taking those people into consideration, and just as with Touch ID, such users will be able to turn off the feature if they so desire, and most likely be able to choose to use a passcode to unlock their phone.

The news comes via iOS developer Danial Niyazov (@r_idn), who tweeted last week, “for those concerned about iOS 11’s face/attention detection, looks like there will be a way to disable it.” He also tweeted, “There’s actually a Private AttentionAwareness framework, as well as a AttentionAwarenessLibrary framework (likely also private).” This indicates that at first, third-party developers won’t have the ability to know when you are looking at the screen. This is, of course, again very similar to how Touch ID launched, first only having limited function availability to third-party developers before Apple eventually allowed much wider access to it.

Source: Looks like there'll be a way to disable iPhone 8's face detection & attention

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