Huge Compass Error

Huge Compass Error


New Member
Thread Starter
Sep 9, 2010
Reaction score
Scottsdale, AZ
I have an iPhone 4 with the most up to date iOS. I have noticed that my compass, in both the compass app and in google maps, is off by almost 45 degrees. This error is present away from metal, after performing the "figure-8" calibration, and in both True & Magnetic North settings. (Yes I accounted for the local variation of about 12 degrees)

Is there a way to fix or re-calibrate my phone's compass that I haven't done yet?
I would try a restore then if its still doing the same thing I would take it by your apple store.
As a newbee I also HAD the problem of p-poor compass operation, just returned my second ip4 to Sams and told them to raise hell with apple for selling a POS WITH A KNOWN ISSUE... I.E. the SOB'S know/knew of this compass issue and still decided to pawn it off on an unsuspecting public anyway... I'm sure you noticed on the GREAT 3GS that the compass was prominently (sp), on the front of the 3GS as a properly working app and it worked great within a degree or two... Now APPLE have hidden it in a tools or utilities folder, on the damn back page. What a bunch of MoFo's to place it in a location that may not be noticed in time for a return... Just be CERTAIN to check any new ip for proper functioning within the 14 day (Verizon) return policy... Make them eat any defective crap when discovered in your initial test and checkout...
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