


New Member
Thread Starter
Nov 16, 2010
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Hello! :)
I'm Spencer. I live in Utah and Love my iphone 4, like we all do :)
I spend Wayyy too much time playing with it. :)
I recently jailbroke it and have been playing with themes and all the good jailbreaking toys. I really want to learn how to make my own iphone 4 themes, but im a NOOB with anything iphone, especially jailbroken. So I haven't had much luck finding how-to's for making icons or themes and some of the iphone 4 only theme stuff in cydia doesnt even work on my phone. in the process of looking for how-to's, I found Iphone4forum! I'm excited to be a new member! looks like the perfect place to learn how to pimp my phone and talk all things iphone 4! :)
welcome! once you learn how to make themes, share them with us :)

Thank you! :) I made a dock to go with the touchit hd theme, but it's not hd, so then I tried putting it in @ 2x resolution, which from what I could find is 640 x 90 and named it dock@2x .png but it doesn't work... What am I missing??? Thanks again!!! :))