Hello. Francisco arriving at forum

Hello. Francisco arriving at forum


New Member
Thread Starter
Aug 6, 2012
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Hello all. My name is Francisco, I'm from Brazil and a few days ago I bought my first iPhone. It is a 4S and I am very happy with it. I joined the forum to try to understand and make better use of my new toy. I hope to contribute what they can.
Hello all. My name is Francisco, I'm from Brazil and a few days ago I bought my first iPhone. It is a 4S and I am very happy with it. I joined the forum to try to understand and make better use of my new toy. I hope to contribute what they can.
Hi, welcome to the forum! Here are a few helpful links. cv| iPhone tips | iPhone Tips & Tricks | What is jailbreaking? | | iPhone Unlocking Guide for BeginnersiPhoneForums.net Mobile App

Thinking of Jailbreaking but are not sure?

iPhoneForums.net Forum Rules - Please Read and Respect our Rules

poisonivy……iPF STAFF.

Thanks for the posts. My iphone is already jailbroken. I used Redsn0w_win_0.9.14b2 to unlock it. So far everything is fine. Sorry for my English but I am Brazilian and not speak the language very well.