Have Some Fun With Siri and the LEGO Batman Movie

Have Some Fun With Siri and the LEGO Batman Movie


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Jun 18, 2010
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Have fun with Siri on LEGO Batman.webp

MacRumors reports that Apple’s Siri is featured in the LEGO Batman movie that was released last Friday, in the role of Batman’s personal assistant. Aside from seeing the movie, you can also actually have fun with Siri on your Apple device by simply saying “Hey ‘puter,” just like Batman does in the movie. She’ll then answer you in a number of humorous ways.

Just some of the many replies you can expect from Siri when you say “hey ‘puter” include “I am at your service, Lego Batman sir”; “Welcome home, sir. I have your rom coms queued up, sorted by decade”; “Welcome home, sir. FYI, Robin is trying on costumes in the Batcave again. He’s doing some pirouettes in Batryshnikov”; and “You have a message from the Condiment King. It says ‘Pbbbfffttt!’”

And if all that Siri sillyness has got you wanting even more LEGO Batman goodness, there’s also a free companion app to the game to download here: The LEGO® Batman Movie Game on the App Store

Source: Apple's Siri Promotes The LEGO Batman Movie When You Say 'Hey Computer'

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