Galaxy on Fire 3D Free in App Store for Today Only!

Galaxy on Fire 3D Free in App Store for Today Only!


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Jun 18, 2010
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We can all thank Pocket Gamer for the heads-up alert that Fishlabs' ace space shooter Galaxy On Fire 3D is free to download today from the App Store, for one day only, courtesy of and in celebration and anticipation of the upcoming Galaxy on Fire 2, due for release in October. Fishlabs made a name for themselves all around the world with the mobile version of the multi-award winning Sci-Fi action-adventure, and that was before they even launched the iPhone version last year.

In the game, players take on the role of a mercenary with the Terran Armed Forces in the fight against the aggressive alien Vossk, which takes place in a huge galaxy of hundreds of planets and space stations. After first demonstrating their skills doing some donkey work, players are quickly lured to escort and combat missions. Captured goods can be used in the trading system to equip the player's spaceships with dozens of different weapons, shields, and drives. During the course of the story, which is propelled by numerous animated 3D cutscenes, players will encounter many shady characters who will offer them various missions, some of which are dubious, and some of which are very lucrative. Overall, the game should run to more than 20 hours of gameplay, which makes it quite the bargain. You can get Galaxy On Fire 3D here for free, and immediately start enjoying all that space-battle goodness, but don't forget, it's only free for today.

Source: Pocket Gamer, Fishlabs