Flash for iPhone 4

Flash for iPhone 4


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Oct 31, 2010
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I have a jailbroken iphone4. I want to put the frash application on my phone but don't know where to Download Frash-0.02.deb for step 8 to apply a flash application on my phone. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Yes I did download the one from cydia. I then go to a website that has flash like channelsurfing. I then click on a link and a new window pops up. I then press on the gray box that says flash, it will then act like it's gonna load up a player but never does. Is anyone else having this problem?
i am having same problem with frash it goes blank, and to the guy above what will be the difference of installing frash through ssh y not just download from cydia and run from there?
Well, I suppose you can follow this detailed guide "install flash on your iphone using frash" located in iFunia news blog. - Frash, the Flash for iPhone/iPad, is now ready for iPhone 4. You could now run flash on iPhone 4 by installing Frash on your device. Here are the step by step instructions to install and run flash on iPhone 4.
Hope can do some help for you. :)

I did follow these instructions mentioned above, and I do appreciate your help, but I just dont know were to Download the Frash-0.02.deb file? Now thats the million dollar question. Can anybody in here help me locate this file to download it, and complete the process of installing flash on my phone. On the write up mentioned above on how to install flash on your iphone, it states for step 5: download frash-0.02.deb file from the source link given below. I then scroll down to the bottom but their is no link to download the frash-0.02.deb file, instead their is a link to download "frash" straight from cydia. I then installed frash from cydia and some flash requied websites work but only the flash ads work but i have not gotten it to work like on channelsurfing and them types of flash websites.
So my question is were can I locate and download frash-0.02.deb file to complete the process of having flash on my phone?
I was told you can download it from repo.benm.at but I couldn't find it because the site is in German or something. It's supposed to be the same one you can download from cydia I think.
I ended up finding the file at Download Frash 0.02 (.deb) aka Flash for iPhone 4, 3GS & iPad 3.2.1 | TechPetals. I then completed step 8 on the step by step instructions and can say it does play flash. I also learned that this flash does not support the flash player needed to play videos of off channelsurfing.net. That was one of the reasons that I wanted to install a flash app in the first place, but it will play flash from homestarrunner.com like on the video. I guess I need to research on what type of flash it can run?
Hi i have the same problem like whem i want to play a video it goes blank pnly ads work

I dwnloaded mine from cydia

So if i follow the steps like mentioned above will frash be better rather then installing from cydia?
Hi i have the same problem like whem i want to play a video it goes blank pnly ads work

I dwnloaded mine from cydia

So if i follow the steps like mentioned above will frash be better rather then installing from cydia?

I have had both on my phone, and neither is different from each other. When I had Frash from Cydia I wasnt able to watch channelsurfing.net and thought it didnt work "FRASH", but alittle bit more research I found out that not even the other version of frash can play the flash content.
So at the end of it all, It seems to me that their is no difference on how you install FRASH on your phone weather if its from Cydia or the other version their pretty much aint no difference. Hope this can answer your question.
So would you say it is worth the hassle to have at all ?

To tell you the truth, I was all hyped up to install it because I thought I would be able to view video off of channelsurfing and similar websites but had no luck on viewing the channels. I do know that their Are websites that have games that run on flash and are playable but my intentions of having flash on my phone was for videos not games. So I pretty much have no use for it. You in the other hand can have a use for it, and might want to I stall it.