ESPN Launches iPhone App That Streams Programmes Live to Cable Customers

ESPN Launches iPhone App That Streams Programmes Live to Cable Customers


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Jun 18, 2010
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Business Insider reports today on the launch of a new ESPN app called WatchESPN that can stream full ESPN, ESPN2 and ESPN3 programmes live to your iPhone and iPod touch. In order to receive it though, you have to be a cable TV customer with either Time Warner Cable, Bright House, or Verizon FiOS. According to Business Insider, this is all part of the “authenticated” or “TV Everywhere” business models that cable companies are coming up with to keep you subscribing to their services, by providing nice treats and extras such as this app. If you don’t subscribe, you don’t get. It’s as simple as that!

And if you’re thinking that your really need to be watching streaming ESPN programmes on your iPad, you won't have long to wait, as ESPN says it will be releasing an iPad-optimised version of WatchESPN in May.

Click here to download the free app: WatchESPN for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store

Source:Business Insider ESPN's New iPhone App Streams Full ESPN, Live To Your Phone -- Only If You're A Cable Customer