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Erase contacts

According to Google, there is a free app in the App Store called “Cleaner Pro” that will allow you to delete multiple contacts at once. Personally, I regularly use iTunes to sync my contacts and calendar to Microsoft Outlook on my PC and Outlook allows you to select multiple contacts to be deleted all at once. Then I sync my phone again and the deleted contacts are also deleted from the phone as well. Takes less than five minutes to delete then sync.
According to Google, there is a free app in the App Store called “Cleaner Pro” that will allow you to delete multiple contacts at once. Personally, I regularly use iTunes to sync my contacts and calendar to Microsoft Outlook on my PC and Outlook allows you to select multiple contacts to be deleted all at once. Then I sync my phone again and the deleted contacts are also deleted from the phone as well. Takes less than five minutes to delete then sync.

Thank you !i ve already finally done it !!!