Can I downgrade!?

Can I downgrade!?

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Nov 28, 2010
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My iPhone 4's firmware from 4.2 to 4.1!? And if so, is it easy to do?
it's pretty easy, have the firmware you want to downgrade e.g 4.2 to 4.1 you must have the 4.1 OS 1st, then enter recovery mode by holding power+home button around 10seconds and then release the power button. next go to itunes and itunes will notice your iphone is in recovery mode, then click restore while holding SHIFT button if you're a windows user and browse the OS, mine's on the desktop , easy to find. it takes around 10 - 15 minutes to downgrade, and the last thing there will be an error number i forgot, but ignore that, the os is installed, to get out of recovery, use tinyumbrella, but you will notice the baseband cannot be downgraded :)
whats the point downgrading from 4.2.1? for un tethered jailbreak? screw that lol i would rather have no jb and be on 4.2.1 and i am ..
There is talk on downgrading the BB 3.10.01 to 1.59 to unlock I4.Some news are expected even before xmas by the DEv team.(twitter)
You cannot downgrade unless you saved your blobs from 4.1. Please read the stickys before creating new threads.

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