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Birthday calendar question


New Member
Oct 16, 2011
Reaction score
I know to add a birthday to the birthday calendar you have to add the persons birthday to their contact and then it will show in the birthday calendar.

My question is what do you do if:
1. Person is a child and I want their birthday in my birthday calendar?

2. What do you do when your contact is a joint contact (ex. Mom & Dad)...how do you add both their birthdays to yor birthday calendar when there is only a field for one birthday. I know you can add an "other date" and even and anniversary date but it doesn't add it to your birthday calendar so can't use that.

Is there any way to add a manual entry into birthday calendar??

Any help is appreciated. Thanks
I would like to know the same answer. If I cant add a birthday without adding a contact it makes the calendar not as useful.