Big Jailbreak problem--can't use my phone

Big Jailbreak problem--can't use my phone


New Member
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Aug 2, 2010
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I installed the simple background jail broken app and now my phone, whenever, I open up an app makes it's window really small and completely unusuable so I can't even uninstall the app. How can I fix this??
Can you ssh into your phone from your computer? If not and you REALLY cant navigate back through cydia to uninstall that program then your only option is a restore.
If all else fails, you may need to restore your phone through itunes
  1. Connect your iphone to the computer
  2. Right click on your iphone in itunes and make a backup
  3. On your iPhone hold down the home and power for 10 seconds
  4. After 10 seconds, release the power but continue holding the home for another 10 seconds
  5. iTunes will open, choose restore (go to hulu, this will take a few minutes)
  6. Once the process is finished, choose restore from backup (the one you made a few minutes before)
You should have everything you had before, minus your jailbreak stuff
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If you can ssh into your phone (click here for tutorial), go to /private/var/stash/applications/ and delete simple
Restart your phone, and you should be all good