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Battery drain apps???


New Member
Oct 19, 2011
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Ever since jb I have horrid battery life. Are there any known apps, tweaks, or themes that place high draw on battery?
OP i was having this same issue and what i did was recycle the battery .. Since jailbreaking i got 3/4 of the day with moderate text and emails and calls now that ive let the battery completly die then charge it back up.. now my battery life is a 1 1/2 days..
way2fast4u said:
OP i was having this same issue and what i did was recycle the battery .. Since jailbreaking i got 3/4 of the day with moderate text and emails and calls now that ive let the battery completly die then charge it back up.. now my battery life is a 1 1/2 days..

Battery life varies from
Phone to phone.
Not a JB, but one new app that has an incredible drain is "Find My Car Smarter".

According to a poll on their own web site 80% of people who purchased it at $25+ find the battery drain so bad it is unusable!
Do you close your apps after you have finished with them?

If not then just double tap the Home button and youll see those apps that are open :) to close them just hold one of the apps (like you would when you want to delete an app off your springboard) and when they start to shake just click cross :) done
MikeCorruption said:
Do you close your apps after you have finished with them?

If not then just double tap the Home button and youll see those apps that are open :) to close them just hold one of the apps (like you would when you want to delete an app off your springboard) and when they start to shake just click cross :) done

That only helps to conserve RAM.....not battery.....but it is a common misconception on the iPhone.
MikeCorruption said:
really? but surely if they are kept open then they would drain the battery?

Only apps that run in the background can potentially drain battery. But 99% of app cannot run in the background, they are only paused in RAM. Multitasking in iOS is basically nothing like it seems.
Only apps that run in the background can potentially drain battery. But 99% of app cannot run in the background, they are only paused in RAM. Multitasking in iOS is basically nothing like it seems.
i am not doubting you, but i am really curious how you know this :D im always keen to extend my knowledge.
MikeCorruption said:
i am not doubting you, but i am really curious how you know this :D im always keen to extend my knowledge.

It's simple. Just type in google "how iOS multitasking "really" works".

You will find that killing apps in the switcher is basically pointless. Even to free RAM. iOS frees RAM automatically when the phone needs it.

The only way to "truly" make apps background is with a Cydia tweak called Backgrounder.

You will find that the apps in the switcher bar are nothing more than your list of recently opened apps, and that is it......they are not draining battery or using RAM.....well they are using RAM, but only to keep them suspended/paused until you return to the app again, and are not constantly using RAM but just enough to keep them paused until iOS thinks it has been there too long and quits it's paused state.

iOS is smart enough to do this "automatically", therefore, quitting apps in the switcher bar really pointless. Tho I do it just do it simply to keep it clean. But I know it's not really helping my phone function or conserve battery in any way.

If an app is paused in memory for too long, and your phone needs more RAM, it goes to the app that has been sitting there the longest and terminates its "paused" state.