Apple Highlights VoiceOver Accessibility Apps in Honour of Helen Keller Award

Apple Highlights VoiceOver Accessibility Apps in Honour of Helen Keller Award


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Jun 18, 2010
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AppleInsider reports that Apple has been featuring in iTunes apps that use its VoiceOver screen-reader technology to celebrate the fact that it has been awarded the Helen Keller Achievement Award by the American Federation for the Blind (AFB). Apple received the award due to its work in making its product accessible to all.

The apps that have been highlighted by Apple because they “deliver a great VoiceOver experience” in iTunes include the likes of BlindSquare, WorkFlow, YouTube, Twitterrific, Instapaper, Flipboard, WhatsApp, Shazam, Djay 2, BBC News, Skype, Dropbox, Ariadne GPS and Apple’s own iBooks, Pages, Keynote, and Numbers.

The VoiceOver interactive screen-reader has been bundled with iOS devices, iPods, and Macs for free since 2004.

AppleInsider notes that Apple has also recently published a free podcast titled “Apple Watch and Accessibility” that explains the various accessibility options that have been built into the Apple Watch design.

Apple was previously recognised by the AFB in 2009, for its pioneering work in engineering, and for working on making its products accessible for all.

Source: Apple spotlights accessibility featuring iOS apps using its award-winning VoiceOver technology

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