Apple CEO Tim Cook Talks iPhone 5c

Apple CEO Tim Cook Talks iPhone 5c


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Jun 18, 2010
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BGR reports that Apple CEO Tim Cook has been talking to Bloomberg Businessweek about the iPhone 5c, and answering criticism from those who complained about the 5c not being a budge phone. Cook said that Apple’s intentions were misunderstood all along, and that Apple had “never had an objective to sell a low-cost phone,” or an Android competitor, in terms of price.

As for what Apple’s real intentions were for the iPhone 5c, Cook told Bloomberg that Apple wanted “to sell a great phone and provide a great experience, and we figured out a way to do it at a lower cost.”

“We’re not in the junk business,” explained Cook.

It remains to be seen if such comments from the top man at Apple will do anything to allay concerns on Wall Street about the fact that the iPhone 5c has “little hope”, as Bloomberg puts it, of breaking into key emerging markets such as India and Brazil, at its current pricing.

Source: Apple CEO Cook interview: iPhone 5c never intended to be budget phone | BGR

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