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A pleasant, rolling, three rings.......


Active Member
Oct 12, 2016
Reaction score
Dallas / Ft Worth Texas
I have had an SE2 since it was released.
The last 2 weeks or so, I have noticed 3,4 times a day it emits a slow, but pleasant, rolling ring......3 rings.

It is not an alarm, it does not indicate an instant message.
It's not a low battery indicator.
I have not figured out what it is and the few people I asked about it don't know either.

It started about the same time as the last software update.

Any ideas?

Sounds like an app

Good guess, but I think it was an update notification.
Apple released an update and I heard the tone at about the same time.
Perhaps the tone was a sign that an update had been released and I needed to download it.
Because, as soon as it was downloaded, the tone stopped.

It was quite nice though, it would have been nice to wake up too.