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White Iphone4


New Member
Jan 13, 2011
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Okay, so, I'm guessing it will be an option, what are the chances of Verizon having enough in stock??
I thought I read somewhere they aren't coming out till later?

I don't want to lie but I have no idea where I read it, maybe engadets live blog but I know for a fact the white one won't be out for launch.

EDIT: Not engadets live blog so I'm about 50% sure that I'm still right.
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Why do people want white so much? Black and silver looks phenomenal.
Why do people want white so much? Black and silver looks phenomenal.

That's my preference as well. To me, the white looks slightly aged and seems like it will get dirty extremely quickly. But to each their own. The black is fantastic to me. Understated and polished.
Why do people want white so much? Black and silver looks phenomenal.

Exactly my thoughts. The white iPhone just makes the phone look cheap if you ask me. Almost like a toy you can pick up in Toys-R-Us. The Black version looks sleek and sophisticated. The black still screams "Cool" but also looks professional.
Why do people want white so much? Black and silver looks phenomenal.

True. But it still would have been a nice option. One of the testers for Verizon sent out a tweet telling everyone "no white iPhone" he said it may be due to getting dirty easily. BGR.com "print screen" an image off verizonwireless.com with the option to choose black or white. They even had a picture of it. Let me find it…

White iPhone 4 coming soon from Verizon? | BGR | Boy Genius Report
I think black > white. Looks classier, more sleek and dare i say sexy...haha. But everyone has their own preferences and opinions. If i had the choice, id take the black.
I agree, the white makes it look cheap (and ugly, IMO). I think people just want it to be "different".
I have the black and i can tell you guys that your all going to be happy with black. Black really is the best looking of the 2 color options, they only add white in for variety and since 99% of the market has black ppl want the white one to be different.

Honestly you guys are to love black its frickin sexy!
People want what they can't have. And I doubt the reasoning is they get dirty, for thier unrelease. 3GS came out with a white version.
From what I understang At&t doesn't even have a white Iphone 4 yet. I know there are conversion kits you can get to make your iphone white. But, I'm personally ok with black. :iphone4vert: