video player

video player


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Jun 13, 2013
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I've been looking for an answer to this question but can not find anything. can you make the video player really small? is there an app that can do it? on my wifes galaxy S3, she can play a video, then pinch the video down so that it is extremely small on her screen. i would like to be able to do that on my iphone, and was wondering if anyone knows how. thanks.
I deleted your duplicate thread on this topic. One thread per inquiry as per our rules.

Now! I've never seen an app that'll duplicate this action..

What's the name of the app on the SGS3, or is it the stock app?
my apologies, i didnt know i couldnt post it in multiple spots. just wanted more eyes to see it.. :)

yes its the stock video player on the SGS3
It's ok. :)

I can't find an app on google.. So maybe somebody can chime in soon and tell us something we both didn't know!

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