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Toshiba Launches TransferJet for iOS


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
Staff member
Jun 18, 2010
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Today on the eve of the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES), which starts tomorrow in Las Vegas, Toshiba announced its industry-first TransferJet adapter for iOS, which is compatible with TransferJet close-proximity wireless-transfer technology.
“The technology provides simple connections and ultra-high speed data transfers with low power consumption, and works simply by bringing the two devices in the transfer into close proximity” says Toshiba. “Maximum data throughput is 375Mbps, and 100 MBytes of data can be transmitted in approximately three seconds.”

To use TransferJet, simply attach the adaptor to your iOS device and download the iOS app. The adaptor will then provide high-speed file transfer throughput for large data sources, including movies. Then all you have to do is select the file to be transferred on the screen of your iOS device, then “touch” that device on the receiving device.

Toshiba says that TransferJet for iOS will be on display during CES, and will be available in Japan initially in spring 2015, prior to going onsale in other countries worldwide.

Source: Toshiba