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Sms+ crash

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New Member
Oct 11, 2012
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Did anyone installed sms+ from cydia and encountered crashes? Untill your phone reboot forever?
Would help if you mentioned you were on iOS 6 like your other thread. Many Cydia tweaks aren't compatible with iOS 6. If it's incompatible, it'll crash. Go into Safe Mode and uninstall
Nope, it wont let u do that because it boot loops never ending, no chance to stay on springboard at all. it was on 5.1.1 iphone 4s jailbroken with absinthe, it was fine only after i installed the sms+, it killed my iphone. After done so much of researches about 3194, 1015, 1, and i followed accordingly too, neither works for it. So i forced to restore into ios 6. Please warn any other about sms+ from ***Moderation Notice***.
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Seems to me like all the issues you're having w/ your iDevice directly relate to using Pirated and/or Cracked apps from Piracy resprocities on Cydia. My advice... get rid of them and start paying for what you're using. CLOSED!
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