No Data on iPhone 5 at times?

No Data on iPhone 5 at times?


New Member
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Nov 15, 2012
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I have the iPhone 5. I was getting no data in certain areas. Instead of 4G or LTE it would just say AT&T with 5 bars. I went to the Apple store and they told me to replace the sim. I went to AT&T and replaced the sim and told me that it shouldn't go off of 4G. I replaced the sim and a day later I've had the same problem. It will switch from 4g to AT&T with no data. Is this a problem with the phone? The guy at AT&T said that it should never go off of data to AT&T, even if service is bad.
AT&T is infamous in their lack of connections for both phone and data. What you are experiencing isn't iPhone. It's your provider.
I'm having the same issue but have Sprint as a provider. I took my phone to a Apple store to resolve the issue. However, after them doing a diag and hard reset, my phones data connection still sucks. Before anybody starts chiming in about the Sprint network being slow, my wife's 5 works just fine.

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