New IP4 - loosing "Safari, Camera & FaceTime" buttons after adding exchange Email

New IP4 - loosing "Safari, Camera & FaceTime" buttons after adding exchange Email


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Jan 18, 2011
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I just got my IP4 and out of the box, the safari and camera buttons/apps are on the home screen and Facetime is available. However after I set up my exchange email, these three functions are gone.

- I've reset to original settings - no change
- I've restored the IP4 - and the options return, but after setting up exchange email they disappear.

I've tried to download some camera app's to use the camera, but they don't work either.

If i go to Settings-> General-> Restrictions.. I can see that Safari, Camera and FaceTime are 'OFF'. But if i enable restrictions, these three are greyed out and i can't change them from OFF.

Apple support so far has just had me RESTORE. Any help someone can offer would be appreciated.

Version 4.2.1
Firmware 03.10.01

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Can you post a screen shot of before and after to show the problem?

Also you should double check the Version of iOS, you have mentioned 4.3.2 but I don't think that is correct.

The latest version is 4.2.1 unless you are running the new beta, which should make you a developer.
Can you post a screen shot of before and after to show the problem?

Also you should double check the Version of iOS, you have mentioned 4.3.2 but I don't think that is correct.

The latest version is 4.2.1 unless you are running the new beta, which should make you a developer.

Sorry, was off on my keyboard... Yes, 4.2.1 is the iOS version..

I'd rather not have to restore again if I can fix without doing so. But I'll try and load some After photo's.
Bump to get to 3 posts and be able to post photos....
Here are the "AFTER" photo's

Pretty basic - Here you can see that Safari and Camera are not shown:

Under Restrictions, the Camera, Safari and FaceTime are greyed out. I can't select them to turn them on.

Before I set up exchange mail, these are all working fine...
Perhaps it's just me but I can't see any photos.

Have you tried adding a different email account to see if that produces the same results...?
I don't have a different account to add at this time. But if I delete the accout set up, then FaceTime, Cameral and Safari are all back and active. Once i set up the email, they're gone again.
I just got my IP4 and out of the box,

You definitely have a problem, but it shouldn't be there. I used Exchange for setting up my mail and all is perfect.

Silly me, but if you just got the phone why not just take it back and get another -- due to faulty..whatever. And if you do, set up your accounts at the store if possible. If it's an AT&T store, they will help!
Yeah take it back if it is brand new. The store should be able to help you. I cant see how it would be a hardware problem though, but they should replace it if they see the problem and it is new.
Thanks, I did go into an Apple store and they reveiwed, found someone that had seen this before and advised to review my exchange email settings. Found that it was not a phone issue, but rather an "Auto Sync" or "Auto Update" setting that was not configured correct in my exchange user account.

All is working now!!
Glad you got it sorted. Thanks for the update. It's nice to find out what was wrong incase someone else has a similar problem.

Very strange that an email account would cause these problems. Did apple explain why...?
Very strange that an email account would cause these problems. Did apple explain why...?

No, unfortunately I did not get an answer as to why they were linked... Although he did mention something to the effect that businesses using Iphones for employee's could somehow limit certain functions of the phone... Sorry for not having all the exact details, but if anyone else runs into this, I'd suggest looking at the exchange settings.
No problem, thanks.

I dont use exchange so it won't affect me. Good to know just incase I come across a similar problem...

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