iOS 6.0.1 SHSH Blobs

iOS 6.0.1 SHSH Blobs


New Member
Thread Starter
Aug 12, 2014
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Hey All,

Is anyone familiar with SHSH blobs on iOS 6?

I downloaded them and at the end I am getting:

Why are these showing 4.3.3 and not 6.0.1? Are they not saving correctly? I'm using TinyUmbrella with "Request SHSH from Cydia" checked.
If you did not request SHSH blobs for any particular iOS when Apple was signing that iOS (e.g. it was available to install on your phone), then I'm afraid there is no way to get them now.

Apple stopped signing iOS 6 almost a year ago, so there is no way to get the SHSH blobs now. Sorry.

If you did not request SHSH blobs for any particular iOS when Apple was signing that iOS (e.g. it was available to install on your phone), then I'm afraid there is no way to get them now.

Apple stopped signing iOS 6 almost a year ago, so there is no way to get the SHSH blobs now. Sorry.


Hey Marilyn,

Even if I am still presently running iOS 6?

The only phone that can get blobs for the iOS it's running is the iPhone 4 and that's because it's been "hacked" at the boot level (essentially, at the hardware level - new iOS's can't touch it).

All the other phones now need SHSH blobs (and APT tickets) in order to install a certain iOS. Since they need verification from Apple, you can only get the SHSH blobs for the iOS Apple is signing/authorizing - regardless of the iOS that is installed.

Hope that helps explain...


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