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Apple plans conference in Shenzen to discuss Lighting technology issues


Editor in Chief
Jul 27, 2011
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A while back, it was reported that Apple performed some big changes on the “Made for iPhone/iPad/iPod” requirements. Following this announcement, Apple is planning to hold a conference in Shenzen/China for the Made for iPod/iPhone/iPad partners on the 7th and 8th of November.

The last conference of this kind was held between the 7-9th of December, when Cupertino decided to incorporate within the MFI program the new AirPlay and Bluetooth standards. Currently, Apple plans to discuss the changes it will apply to its policy – in particularly we are referring to Apple’s new Lightning technology.

The new standards Apple is looking to implement will ensure that the tech giant will be able to control very tightly the supply of Lightning pins that will be sent to MFi partners who are in charge of building the connectors. This way, Cupertino will be sure to ship to those partners who met the standards imposed by the company. Teardowns have shown so far how intricate the Lightning cable technology really is.

A look over the program will showcase that Apple has set a busy agenda for the seminar. It will talk to manufacture partners about the Apple Retail concept, ways of designing Lightning accessories and changes occured in the MFi program. Apple staff will also offer tutorials in the Wi-Fi, AirPlay and Bluetooth departmevent.

Apple has to be very careful about choosing manufacturing partners, because one can see a lot of unapproved Apple accessories on the market and the company wants to minimize this trend.

By Radu