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SiriDR vs Ac!d Siri


New Member
Feb 20, 2013
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Has anybody used both of these programs? SiriDr works ok but it rarely is capable of playing a song I ask it to play. Is Ac!d siri or another better Jailbreak siri for iphone 4 available?
My rec is to not touch Siri on a device that it's not made for. If you do end up opting for it, know what your contingency plan is in the case that you'd have to restore your device and know how to maintain it. Then ready yourself for the occasion where you brick your device.
My rec is to hide yourself in your mothers womb and never leave the safety of that warm embrace oh and your virtue oh my don't forget to protect your virtue!

Honestly try acid out if your already running a hacked 4 g or earlier phone what do you have to loose? Also I have looped many a phone but never really bricked one, so I think you would have to seriously screw up to brick and life is to short to cling to an unvoided warrenty.